The effects of providing clean water are often more intangible than tangible, and can therefore be difficult to measure. What we can measure, though, is the amount of people whose lives have been changed forever. Since 2006, thousands of families in Uganda have been given one of our most basic needs—water. Over 100,000 people now have clean drinking water within close proximity to their home.

Health & Safety
- The mortality rate in recipient villages immediately declines.
- Preventable diseases such as typhoid, dysentery and diarrhea no longer dominate their lives.
- Villagers can maintain their health as they are educated in water sanitation and hygiene.
- Woman and girls no longer risk personal safety and are able to pursue normal activities as they no longer walk miles for water.

- School attendance is now possible for children who were previously ill or were the daily water carrier for their families.
- Villagers are educated in disease prevention and basic life skills including maintaining and sustaining their clean water source.
- In a village in Alpha, a new school dormitory has been built that houses over 200 girls who previously would not be attending.

Work Opportunities
- People are now able to lead productive lives with opportunities for employment.
- Healthy adult males are now able to work and provide for their families.
- Villages take ownership in well installations by providing food for the workers, protective fences and mosquito barriers for each well.
- Local labor is utilized for each well installation helping to grow their own economy.

Spiritual Growth & Church
- People are now able to lead productive lives with opportunities for employment.
- Healthy adult males are now able to work and provide for their families.
- Villages take ownership in well installations by providing food for the workers, protective fences and mosquito barriers for each well.
- Local labor is utilized for each well installation helping to grow their own economy.

Local Empowerment
- Hundreds of individuals, families and businesses locally have experienced the joy of giving selflessly by stepping out to love globally;
- Some have stepped out even further by traveling to Uganda experiencing firsthand the difference our small sacrifices can make.
- And in so doing, partnerships and relationships have been formed half a world away that will last for eternity.
It’s difficult to determine which lives are changed more… the ones serving or the ones being served. Thank you to all our donors!