The Nelson Family Well

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The Nelson Family has decided to raise funds for an entire well this Christmas season!

Simply donate below to help them reach their goal.

Update: The Nelson family reached their goal in December 2021! Funding sent on 12/13/21 for a deep well in the village of Amuk B in the district of Aleptong in Northern Uganda.

Well Completed on 12/28/21! An amazing New Year’s gift of clean water for the people of Amuk!

Pictures of their water source before and now!

Thank you Nelson Family!


Funding for 2nd well!

11/9/23: Funding sent for a deep well in the village of Abany, Lira district in Northern Uganda. Thank you Nelson Family!

12/4/23 Well Completed in the village of Abany. Clean water before Christmas for almost 1000 people!


  • Deep Well: Completed 12.28.2021

  • Deep Well: Completed 12.04.2023