Giving Tuesday 2023

November 28th, 2023

Be a part of the day we all come together to do something good!

In a world with so many people hurting we can feel overwhelmed on how to make any difference at all. Providing clean water to those without changes lives immediately! How exciting to know we can truly make a dent in the world’s suffering.

Happy Giving Day!

Thank you to a very special  family that matched each donation this year for Giving Tuesday up to $10,000!


Together we surpassed our Giving Tuesday goal to raise over $20,000! We will be drilling 4 new wells bringing water to more than 15 communities!  We are deeply grateful to all who donated, shared on social media or spread the word in any way. So many generously giving to help others. Many will have clean water soon because you took the time to give.

After two wells funded by families in early 2024, funding was sent on 4/1 for the first two of 4 wells funded by Giving Tuesday.

1). Funding sent on 4/1/24 to install a deep well in the village of Ateri in the district of Dokolo, Northern Uganda. Well completed on 4/27/24!

2) Funding sent on 4/1/24 to install a deep well in the Acanmac village in the district of Dokolo, in Northern Uganda. Well completed on 4/27/24!

3) Funding sent 5/19/24 to install a deep well in the village of Odudui in the district of Dokolo, in Northern Uganda.             Well completed on 6/25/24!

4) Funding sent 5/19/24 to install a deep well in the village of Bedi A in the district of Lira, in Northern Uganda.                             Well completed on 6/24/24!



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  • Deep Well: Completed 04.26.2024

  • Deep Well: Completed 04.27.2024

  • Deep Well: Completed 06.25.2024

  • Deep Well: Completed 06.24.2024